Thu 09 Jan
⭐💕LeT ME MaKe YouR WeeK MeMOraBLe💕2 GiRL SpeCiALs💕⭐YoU'LL LeAvE SmiLinG💕💕ScheDuLe NOW💕🏆💯 - 35
(Newport News)
☆★M@gic@lly D£liciou$ C@ram£l Brown $ugg@ Tre@t ★☆ $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Hampton)
NEW PHOTOS love to kiss & 100% drug free.. now lets PLAY - 28
(Newport News, newport news williamsbug)
New Pics!! ~ViP Lady Coming To Williamsburg ~This Friday-Don't Miss Out!! One Day Only - 29
Ooh She Wildn Wildn 💦💦👅👅She Do Her Thing Thing 💦💦👅👅 $$$$Nooooo Filters Noooo FAKES $$ - 24
(incalls/, Newport News)
💲60 QV💲60 QV 💲60 QV_kik/snapchat: MOCHA23608_ QV 💲60 QV 💲60 QV 💲60 - 26
(Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh, Newport News)
🌹🌹High-Class OUTCALL👍👍❤️🙋🙋 HOTEL GUEST Welcome 📞7575725884💃🏻💘VIP ESCORTS💘💃🏻💃🏻💖36D PrettyGirls💖💃🏻💃🏻 - 21 - 21
(Chesapeake, Entire Hampton Roads Area, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
LATINA GiRLS do it BEST Ñ We♥☆♥💗$$ ** Specials !!!!! ♥☆♥💗E.X.O.T.I.C - HISPANIC MAMI💗 - 23
(Newport News, MIDTOWN)
💲60 QV💲60 QV 💲60 QV_kik/snapchat: MOCHA23608_ QV 💲60 QV 💲60 QV 💲60 - 26
(Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh, Newport News)
★ Beautiful __ Asian __ Girl Hot ! Hot!! Service ★ - 24
➡💏💜BeAuTiFuL BubBlY BlOnDe with an AwEsOmE BoDy💜💏⬅I shouldnt be lonely so TeXt Me now 2053938652 - 25
(J clyde, Newport News)
** Gorgeous $exxi £bony P@ssionate Pl@ymate ** $$ Hh Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
Latina hot sexy classy love2 please! Costa rican 38dds outcalls only!!!!!!specials - 27
(Newport News, hampton newportnews williamsburg.ft eust)
All tastes right to your place! Cash or Credit! Fastest outcall around. (757) 463-4630 - 25
(Newport News, NPN, Williamsburg, Gloucester, York Co.)
HOT H0RNNYY and READY♥☆♥💗$$ ** Specials !!!!! ♥☆♥💗E.X.O.T.I.C - HISPANIC MAMI💗 - 23
(Newport News, J Clyde)
Delicious - 23
(Chesapeake, Chesapeake sq, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
【 G E N T L E M E N 】 💖.【 P E R F E C T 】💖.C H O I C E Top Quality💎🌟 📞7575725884 📞 🌹🌹HIGH CLASS - 18
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Hampton Roads and Richmond Outerbanks, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
👅Cancelled all your plans lay back relax this will be the best ThR0@t you ever had IM IN DA MOOD !! - 23
(Newport news)
Cassie New Pics Bottoms Up💕😘╠╣OT ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ(ღ人 ღ)ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ//CANT PASS UP✨💖 bEst ArOund🌟 - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Military Hwy Incalls, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
█★★ THE *BEST* 2 GiRl SH0W THAT YOU'll EVER HAVE °° 2 B E A U T i F U l ReDB0NE$★★█ - 69
(Newport News, 757 AREA IN/OUT)
*~*We will make your time with us a special one*~* (757)-226-7835 - 26
(Newport News, We travel to all citys)
All tastes right to your place! Cash or Credit! Fastest outcall around. (757) 463-4630 - 25
(Newport News, NPN, Williamsburg, Gloucester, York Co.)
°o?o° TeMpTaTiOnS °o?o° GeNtLeMaN's #1FaNtAsY - 21
(Newport News, Cheasapeake,NewPortNews,VAbeach)
VerY Different __! Military FavorS & Special Late Night CreePs - 19
(Newport News, Nn My place Open All Night)
eXceLLenT !!3 eye candy !!3 Open (i)n call & (0)uts --)2(-- girls - 21
(Newport News, anytime. anywhere)
You been a baad boY ... n Im a " n a u g h ty " girl ... letS see where th!s goes - 22
(Newport News, Newport News Incall n outcall avail)
°*♥ CuRv¥ & B ~ () ~() ~ t ~ ¥ ~ £ ~ ¡ ~ C~ ¡ ~ () ~ U ~ § °*♥ HAPPY HOUR70$Ncall - 28
(Newport News, Hamptonnewport newsncall only)
Please All ur SenseS }{ These Thighs Dont Close / bothLiPs stay juicy - 21
(Newport News, Nn My place (open))
👑💎 LeT mE pl∈AS∈ ¥oU!!! 💎 👑§∈×X×Y 💋L¡P§ & H¡P§👄👑 💎 🔝U🔝UPSCALE🔝SeXy💣 AvAiℓAbℓε➜🏪N0W🏪 - 34
(Newport News, Newport News/Hampton)
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* & SEXY!! - 28
(Newport News, newportnews/williamsburg/hampton)
Is the pics or don't pay! beautiful busty brunette! 100% independent, 100% the pictures! - 35
(Newport News, tidewater to williamsburg)
100 % ReaL ----- x --- --- x --------- (( SeXy & Th!Ck )) --------- x -- Fr.3@.K {$70Spcl} - 23
(Newport News, incalls newport news)
—— Your Best Choice ██ ASIAN 2 gilrs speicl NEW IN TOWN. $80 - 23
(Newport News, Newport news //Hampton)
⭐⭐💓💓Sweet, Seductive, CHLOE. **New Number** WeLL ReVIeWeD❗❗❗ ALWAYS LeAVe WitH A SmiLE💓💓⭐⭐ - 34
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport News/Hampton)
*°* Ultim@t£ $€xxi $0ft & $€n$u@l £b0ny C@ram£l Pl@ym@t£.. Im R£@dy 4 U *°* $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Oyster Point)
💦💟💦 Available All Night To Please Your Needs💦💟💦 Cum Coma💤💤💤💦💦Warwick Blvd 💦💟💦 - 35
(Newport News, Newport News/Warwick Blvd)
😘✨😘✨ Super sexy blonde babe ready to BLO your mind!!✨😘✨😘 - 28
(Chesapeake, chesapeake square, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
⚘💋Girl Next Door AVAILABLE TO Please-⚘💋 - 29
(Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, VA Beach, Virginia Beach)
Stop By My Place & Play W/Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 Specials ALWAYS Avail✔ - 25
(Newport News, Newport News Area💯✔)