Tue 07 Jan
Relax & Ease your mind with DIAMOND 💯✔ Satisfaction Guaranteed 😛 👉 Specials Avail - 24
ViDEo!❤ BADD Mi@Mi ViXeN (*(MiLiANi)*) PH@TT€ST & B@DD€ST R€DB0N€ $•60.. 90.. 180•$ ❤CrEaMy InSiDE😍 - 24
.•°¤*(¯`⭐️★⭐️´¯)*¤°S E X Y༶ (((EBONY))) B༶O༶M༶B༶S༶H༶E༶L༶L༶ °¤*(¯´⭐️★⭐️`¯)*¤°•. - 26
(Newport News, Newport News {In & Out Calls})
S_M_O_K_I_N _ !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( OnE __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! THE SEXiEST ALiVE - 24
(newport new/in/out)
*S💖W💛E💖E💛T* ═╗$80hn╔═ I💖T💛A💖L💛I💖A💛N💖 ═╗$40Qv╔═ P💖L💛A💖Y💛M💖A💛T💖E 🍒🍓🍍 - 35
(Newport News, Warwick bland NN)
☆ ♫ ♫ L@St NiGhT iN tOwN ★★ 40 F$ $PECI@L In C@LL ♫ - 27
(Newport News, Hampton,Williamsburg, Yorktown, NN)
❤BADD€ST SID€ PI€C€ ON H€R€(*(MiLiANi)*) PH@TT€ST & B@DD€ST R€DB0N€• 1000% ME OR FREE •❤ - 24
INCALLS Petite ManSLAYER💋💦👅80hhr Spcl 💄☔️Best Kept Secret🙊 - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/Hampton/Williamsburg)
💋💖⚡ Bbw Inner Freak In Me Wants To Come💦👅✨ Wanna Bring Her Out??? 💖💋⚡ - 22
(Denbigh Newport News, Newport News)
|| SoFt seXXXy SkiN aNd SeDuCinG SmiLe || wiTh FiLiPiNa jU.jU
(hampton/newport news.. colliseum mall)
From Mild To Wild This Busty Plus Sized Beauty Can Do It ALL! After Work Incall SpeCiaLs!! - 25
(Newport News, OUTS to hpt, norf, glou, york, wburg)
***PeTiTe GoDdeSs, NuBiAn PlEaSurE*** - newport news - 26
(Newport News, Warwick Blvd. and Bland blvd.)
*~* P@ssionat£ $£nsual & $weet £bony Bomb$hell *~* $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh/ Ft. Eustis)
FaLL iN 💞LoVe 👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP ⭐MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG 👅LiPs & 👣ToE 🎀cUrLiNg 💜TRiCKs 💨 - 25
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport news Incall Only)
I ❤ a H@rD🔨 WøRk!Ng MAN👷PRetty RedBøNe ®eady 2 pLa¥💧JU!CY 💦😽AM@Z!Ng L!PS💋T!gHt Gr!PS👌 - 29
(Newport News)
O.M.G. Becky❤ is❤ That your B❤❤TY❤ 24/7- INC@LL$ & OUTC@LL$ - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/Patrick Henry Mall)
bomb💣 killer 🔪🔫 monster 👹 Top 👅💦 💲60 QV - 25
(Denbigh•Denbigh•Denbigh•Denbigh•Denbigh, Newport News)
💗.•* 💓•.*•.MIXED $w€€Tn€$$💓.•* 💗 $70 B£autifully MaD£ 💅💄$ex¥👠 ... all PHOTOS R REAL N * - 22
(Newport News, FT EUSTIS INCALL)
_____ CURVY : : _____ CHOCOLATE : : ______ : : SEDUCTIVE : : _____ SPECIALS - 20
(newport news airport)
NeW & HoT ((ONE)) OF- A-KiND!! ♥★ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs 👯 ★❤Mouth 💦👅 Watering💋 Skills💎 - 21
SOAKIN 💦 ❤EXoTiC MaMii❤BeTTer ThAn HeR⬆⬇I AIM 2 ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ⇉#1 PARTY GIRL💨➡1000% Me or HoUR FREE! $60 - 23
(Incalls 😘😘 outcalls, Newport News)
Professional Men come melt your stress away with a mature, beautiful, intelligent lady. - 49
(Newport News, Williamsburg)
☆ TRUE ☆ EBONY ☆ BEAUTY ☆ ☆ (( AvAiLaBlE nOw)) ☆ - 20
(Newport News, newport news area/ mall area)
°·§ Ultim@t£ £xxotic T@$ty C@ram£l D£lici0us Pl@ym@t£ §·° $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Ft. Eustis Area)
$pecials ☆☆☆iN Your AREA☆☆☆ L.iM.iTiED Time . Blonde ♡ GODess XOXO ♡ sexy . ready. - 21
(757 & surrounding areas, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Relax & Ease your mind with DIAMOND 💯✔ Satisfaction Guaranteed 😛 👉 Specials Avail - 24
Lexi Latte "Sexy By All Means, Sunday' s Best" 5 ncalls only! - 21
(Newport News, Newport news incalls & Outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
*°♥° SMoKiN HoT ° CuTiE° SWEET & SeDuCtIVe ♥*° - 23
(Newport News, Newport news/ Hampton/ Williamsburg)
👐💲T💥🅿👐 ·····📲Call me NOW💰💯💰BLUE EYEs👐 💋💄··⚡SHOCKING VIEW⚡··💄💋🚺KiLLeR 💀🔫 🅱🅾D¥🚺 - 20
(Newport News, Hampton,Newport News,etc)
☎~☎~☎ UP aLL NiGHT [✔] VerY ADDICTivE ♔♔•°o °•★ SUP€R FR€AK¥ ★ W ¡ L Ð BIG B👀TY PARTY GIRL ߍ°°• !¡! - 26
(Newport News, Hampton.Newport News)
WiLd OUT W3D'S ^^^ 15 MIN $p3ciAl ^^^ Ju$t 4 U **** ()UT C@LL$ oNLy ( 40 ) - 27
(Newport News, Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg)
Up aLl NigHt &; .:* *1/2 KOreaN 1/2 IndIAn # ❶ CHOICE** :.★ .° WaY 2 tHiCk 2 MiSs - 25
TODAY ONLY INCALLS AVAIL! From Mild to Wild This Plus Size Beauty Does It BEST! Incall 60 $peCiaL! - 25
(Incall in NN / Outs to Surrounding Area, Newport News)
BOOTY on 💯 👌50👌 24/7 THiCK&Sexy;💋SoFT Booty💋skilled LIPS💥tightGRIPS 👉LOW👌Special👈 - 29
(in calls, Newport News)
$40 & $60 SPeCiaLS ALL DAY @@@@ THICK EBONY CHIC @@@@ ////////// 100% REal \\\\\\\\\\ - 26
(Newport News, Newport News/ 70/30 min)
Slim, Exotic Brunette with Great Legs (New Pics) (Well Reviewed) Visiting ! - 37
(Newport News, Williamsburg)
she got that Million dollar mouth 👄 special 50 special 50 - 27
(Newport News, Newport news near patrick herny mall)
SOAKIN 💦 ❤EXoTiC MaMii❤BeTTer ThAn HeR⬆⬇I AIM 2 ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ⇉#1 PARTY GIRL💨➡1000% Me or HoUR FREE! $$$ - 24
(DISCREET INCALL😘 UPTOWN.. ft eustis, Newport News)
Lil ChoColate Drop.. True fantasy 4'9 Midget😘 come experience once in a lifetime fantasy🎅🎁💦 90hh - 21
(Gone😘, Hampton, Newport News)
•★• ▒█▒ δωεε† ₰ ©υr√γ ▒█▒ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ▒█▒ ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█▒ •★• Just visting - 19
(Newport News, newport news/hampton)
I'm a Diva!!! I love being a freak!!! Top $plz!!! Incalls only... Available Now!!! - 36
(Newport News, newport news/city center)
*~~* Simply @mazing $exxi £bony £xxotic Pl@ymat£ *~~* Hh Specials ** - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
❤️❣ LeT Me Be yOuR LuStY 😻💦👅 VaLeNtiNe 💝💞 i'Ll Be y - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in calls ,Norfolk outcalls, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth)
☆ ★☆Let Me Get You Off! シ ☆ - 80 specials - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Outcall Only!)
♥♥NEW ######♥♥ 60RSPCLS ★★PRIVATE DANCER★★ POLE IN ROOM, body massages, THICK Dominicana 100% ME - 22
(Virginia Beach, In and Out)
From Mild to Wild This Plus Size Beauty Can Do It ALL! OUTCALLS ONLY! SpeCiaLs! - 25
(I come to you! ;), Newport News)
From Mild to Wild This Plus Size Beauty Can Do It ALL!!!! Outcalls ONLY! ;) SpeCiaLs! - 25
(Newport News, Outs ONLY!)
%%%%Kreemy,Sexy, Thick n ready to please all day speacials come play with my DD's up all night%%&&& - 22
(Newport News, hampton in calls)