Mon 06 Jan
HOT Blonde...Young Hot Body....Sweet like Candy and Hot like Fire😁 SPECIALS availablel - 26
(Newport News, newport news, Virginia)
Julie is in Norfolk!! 60/80/150 Prebooking Now!!! - 32
(Incalls, NORFOLK, Light Screening, Newport News)
New Mix Italian black wavy hair bombshell Tori & the carmel skin model slim beauty kim - 21
(Newport News, Williamsburg va/ incalls only)
NeW iN tWN [Every Mans Dream~~~~ Thee Big Booty Ebony ~~~~ ~~~ 100% Me - 21
(Newport News, Mercury blvd incalls/outcalls hampton/NN)
💋New SEXxy💋☎☏_ •BLONDE LIMiTeD EDitioN ☎☏••L (o)(o) K 💋💋 Available NOW💋 - 21
Bbw*☝☝☝provider 😘 big soft booty 🌊pretty face 🌊😘incall/outcall 😘😘😘 ⤵🍆🍆🍆(ff!!)) - 26
(Newport News, Nn, Hampton, Portsmouth, Williamsburg, c, Portsmouth)
(incalls OV, outcalls all over)
Perfect Caramel Vixen !! Up late 4 you (incall specials) - 19
(Newport News, Nn late night specials)
-:-:-:-Young&Sexy-;:-:-:- !¡!SPECIALS!¡! **Ready To Please W/ Best Skills PERIOD** - 22
(Newport News, Newport News Incalls)
::::::: *M A D E ** F O R ** Y O U R ** P L E A S U R E ***** - 23
(Newport News, oyster point incalls only)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE ► ★►•••••►★ NOW•••••••• ► - 20
(Newport News, yorktown,williamsburg,hampton,norfolkETC)
Sun 05 Jan
#1 CitieS picK ---%---@ 1/0 o "driZzle" special ---%---@ Call Now !!! 7 *5 7 *6 3 4* 15* 6 8 - 21
(Newport News, Nn area incalls / or ur spot babe)
💋👅 eXtRa JUiiCY 💦💦 UnFoRgOtTaBlE 😻🎉 NEW iCaNdY 🍬🍬 iNCALLs & OUTCALLS 💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in/outcalls Newport News, Newport News, Norfolk)
60 Specials[☆THe ☆Pєяƒє¢† ☆TREAT☆ ]♛💚♛[☆] YoU HAvEN'T HaD ❤💖ThE BeST 💖❤UnTIL YoU'vE HAD☆ME - 22
(incalls/outcalls, Newport News)
$60Specials (((AvaiLaBle NoW* ) ) _SmOkiN HoT___CuRvY BuSTy(*EXTREMELY SEXY) Hampton incal - 25
(Newport News, Hampton in/0ut)
60 Specials !!!!!☆☆ °o♥o°•MY ♥o • CANDY SHOP •°o♥o°• IS • °o♥o • OPEN •°o♥o°• ߍ - 23
(Newport News, incalls)
🍬A ScRuMpTiOuS TrEaT!🍭As SwEeT As PiE!🍰I'm EvErYoNe'S FaVoRiTe(AdDiCtIvE)💊CoMe FiNd OuT WhY!💋 - 22
(incalls/outcalls, Newport News)
beautiful day what better way to spend it then with the fun freaky model looking Gia 60 in spc - 21
(Newport News, Newport news jclyde Morris INCALLS ONLY)
All kinds of specials going on tonite until the wee Hours in the morning - 25
(newport news near mercury)
Sexy ♥ EXPERIENCED * HOT* Ms.Love Come Play - 20
(Newport News, newport news/outcalls/incalls jefferson)
JOIN ME !!! Specials all day everyday 757 753 2962 working man or woman Thick azz big tits - 24
(Newport News, Newport news ur place or mine boo)
new pics...36DD white brunette, 100% independent! - 35
(Newport News, Suffolk, Virginia Beach to Williamsburg)
** {IM} :* ☆¨*: {The ONE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT}* * - - 22
(Newport News, Newport News INCALLS AND Outcalls Only)
Redbone Dominican 50/15 min, Late Night&Early; Morning Specials!* outcalls available - 23
(Newport News, Newprt News, Hampton, Williamsburg)
^~•♥•~^ Full-Fill your every Fantasy Hot Sexy 2 Girl Body Rub ^~•♥•~^ - - 22 - 22
(Newport News, newport newS OUTCALLS INCALLS)
Come on out this rain and cold and step into kym wonderland $60 short specials - 21
(Newport News, Williamsburg Incalls only)
👅late nite💦💦💦 P.R.E.T.T.Y * SLIM 💜 BARBIE 🔸🔸 J.A.C.K.P.O.T!! 🔸🔸 !! FuN & FReAKY!*👅💦 - 20
(Incalls Only Coliseum Dr, Newport News)
Last night🛫Hampton📲CAll Me👆👋🏼🍑 💫FËtish💣FRËAK 💟💋CuRvy😍lαtínα🇵🇷 rOUndⒷⓄⓄⓉⓎ 👄💦BEST hEaD EVER😉 - 23
(Hampton, Newport News, W. Mercury Blvd🏩Coliseum Dr❣INCALLS💋)
💦💦 SexY SliM Chyna 💋💋 ReaDy tO PlaY 👅👅 InCallS & OutCalss💞💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton for incalls Norfolk, Newport New, Newport News, Norfolk)
Mz. Ka$hmere Cute in the face Stupid Thick in the Waist - 27
(Newport News, Newport news Ft.Eustis ins and Outs)
Sat 04 Jan
UNFoRG€TTABLE EBONY •★• Classy•★• FlAwLeSS •★• PeRFeCTIoN ★$❀* •°o•. ★ - - 25
(Newport News, hpt incalls)
Young & Hot! Great Reviews! TIGHTEST & BEST😽💦 In 757! Call NOW Im Waiting Just For You! - 22
(Newport News, Newport News Incalls)
-:-:-:-Young Tight & Hot Waiting Just For You-:-:-:- »SPECIALS!« {Call Now For The Best Everything!} - 22
(Newport News, Newport News Incalls)
50 incall Spe 80 outcall G🎀O🎀R🎀G🎀E🎀O🎀U🎀S ♥ B💖L💖O💖N💖D💖E ~▐💜 ✨FiVe 🌟✨StAr✨💎 [♦] CLASSY - 22
(Newport News, newport news ,incalls outcalls)
***Always ReAdY*** Call NoW!! (still here)* - 26
(Portsmouth, portsmouth/ chesapeake square/suffolk)
8048290689 ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ CRAVING CHOCOLATE?? ★ T1GHT & CR3AMY ★ INCALL ONLY. 80$ ★ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆ 100% REAL ▃ - 21
(Richmond, BELLS RD EXIT. Southside)
Extra Petite Blondie ☆ SERiOUSLY FUN ☆ NO AGENCY ((its ALWAYS Me Who Shows Up!)) - 19
(Newport News)
❌⭕❌⭕Sexiest TIGHTEST & Best 😽💦 In Town!🔝 🆕SPECIALS Tonight ONLY! 💯Satisfaction Guaranteed❗👍 - 22
(Newport News, Newport News Incalls)
!(( *ExTrEmElY * )) ——*HOTT* ——(( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) —— AvAiLAbLe NoW!!! - 22
(Newport News, Incalls/Outcalls)
💋Beautiful 🐝 Dont Let My🍯Sweet🍯Honey🍯 Go2 Waste !👅 - 28
(J Clyde , Oyster Point, City Center, Newport News)
⚠️CAUTION ‼️💯ADDICTING💊💉⚠️Gorgeous Exotic Blonde👌🏼💋‼️ - 25
(Newport News, Newport News, City Center Area!!!)
😘✨😘✨ Super sexy blonde babe ready to BLO your mind!! ✨😘✨😘 - 28
(Chesapeake, chesapeake square, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
No JOKING. u ask for anything I WILL DO IT, anything ? YES I mean it ANYTHING. STOP BROWSING & CaLL - 25
(INCALLS ONLY, Newport News)
Fri 03 Jan