Thu 09 Jan
Luscious Ebony Playmate(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Sexy Curved Body(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Big Booty Playmate - - 20
(newport news airport)
⇉🚙Outcall Only!🆕 🎆 COUNTRY GIRL ▶ ☆ × SMOKEN ╠╣🔥t BARBIE BLONDE × ☆ specials - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, OUTCALL ONLY! BASED IN SUFFOLK, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Kim ~~~ Available NOW!!! * - * - * 100% REAL!! - 18
(Newport News, Newport News Incall, Outcall All Over)
From Mild To Wild This Busty Plus Sized Beauty Can Do It ALL! Outcalls ONLY! SpeCiaLs!!!! - 25
(Newport News, OUTS to hpt, norf, glou, york, wburg)
C@╚╚ ♑😉W! I➕'§ +ℹME T🔥 KI©K S㋱ℳ€ ß(๏人๏)†§! 💫 🅰ℳazℹng §p€©i🅰╚§ 🎇 ®Ξ♑† ℳ€ 🅰ffℴ®dßℓ€ - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, OUTCALL ONLY!, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
💎💎Come & Play with Me💎💎Young & Lonely Sexy Blonde 😘💋 - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/ City Center Area)
【 G E N T L E M E N 】 💖.【 P E R F E C T 】💖.C H O I C E Top Quality💎🌟 📞7575725884 📞 🌹🌹HIGH CLASS - 18
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Hampton Roads and Richmond Outerbanks, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
All tastes right to your place! Cash or Credit! Fastest outcall around. (757) 463-4630 - 25
(Newport News, NPN, Williamsburg, Gloucester, York Co.)
BEAUTIFUL EXOTIC MIX FROM ASIA! White Men Love What I Do! Erotic College Girl! 100% Satisfaction! - 22
A Treat For The Military Only!! **Sweetest .... Sexiest.... ** Exotic __ Redbone __ Beauty!! - 20
(Newport News, outcall)
😍Yes It's Real 💯% Actually! 24/7 incalls🙋🙌🙋 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton Mercury, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
**WOW** PeTiTe ~ ReDhE@D>> RoUnD BoOtY/KiLLeR MoUtH~ $80 $pEc!@L - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/Jefferson Ave.- PHM)
(Newport News, Newport news/hampton in@out)
*-:¦:-*B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦€BONY~*~ F@NTA§¥~*-:¦:-* - 22
■■☆★$60 HoT dAY SPeclAl IncALL l +* ComE cOOL Off WiTh Me!!!!!!!!! ViSiTing - 23
(Newport News, Hampton,)
[ ✔ ] REAL PICS!! == {{This BLoNDe}} * {{IS the REAL DEAL!}} .... - 23
(Newport News, newport news in/out)
Big Azz for ya Azz fetish lovers Azz Anything$) $40Spcl - 26
(Newport News, Newport News incalls & outcalls)
♥♥♥♥💋💄 #1 Choice 💋💄💄💋💣♥♥ Sexy💄💋💣♥♥ Exotic💄💋💣♥♥ Ready 2 Please💄💋💣♥♥VIP Treatment - 28
(Newport News, Newport News, Hampton)
Hey! A girls gotta do~ What'a girls Gott'a Do... Good thing I absOlutely lOve Do'n It:) Come See!! - 25
(Newport News, Hampton* Newport News* Williamaburg *)
#1 Pℓαγmαtε ❤❤ ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 ❤❤❤ ★☆★ - 25
(Hampton in/out, Newport News)
((EBONY )) •••• •★•° H_ O _ T °•° S _ E _ X_ Y °•° B _ O _ D _ Y _ °•★• ••••((EBONY )) - 21
(Newport News, ALL OVER IN/OUT)
💋👅 eXtRa JUiiCY 💦💦 UnFoRgOtTaBlE 😻🎉 NEW iCaNdY 🍬🍬 iNCALLs & OUTCALLS 💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in/outcalls Newport News, Newport News, Norfolk)
💲60 QV💲60 QV 💲60 QV_kik/snapchat: MOCHA23608_ QV 💲60 QV 💲60 QV 💲60 - 26
(Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh Denbigh, Newport News)
Wed 08 Jan
OUTCALL 70 SPECIALS! Italian goddess. Booooty bootyyy boooooty ;) - 19
(Newport News, Hampton /Newportnews OUTCALL)
!! Perfect Caramel Vixen !! (after work incall specials) I love wat I do & so will You! - 19
(Newport News, Nn (my place))
❤️❣ LeT Me Be yOuR LuStY 😻💦👅 VaLeNtiNe 💝💞 i'Ll Be y - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in calls ,Norfolk outcalls, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth)
From Mild to Wild This Plus Size Beauty Can Do It ALL! OUTCALLS ONLY!! ;) SpeCiaLs! - 25
(Newport News, Outs ONLY!)
NeWN@UGHT EBONY Beauty •✿• ☞The PERFECT choice To satisfy ANY CRAVING☜ •✿• - 24
(Newport News, airport newport news)
The 🍓Ultimate Intimate 🍓Loving your Body Edition🍓$200 60 min 🍓located in clinton md 20735 - 28
(Book in advance please, Chesapeake, Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♥ ♡♡ N O W ♡ TONIGHT ♡♡ ONLY - 21
(Newport News, private in call ona out)
((NeW)) ♡ 【 E¥e CanD¥ •* 】 ♡ 【1OO%REAL 】 ☆【#1 MOST Wanted】 ☆ 【★•°o°•★ 】 ♡ ((NEW)) - - 25
(Newport News, outcall)
🔥👑 THE P£RF£CT TR£AT🍰🍦🍪Y0UR B£ST K£PT S£CR£T 🙊S£xxY ASIAN G0ddeSs 👯7575725884📲 Outcalls 0nlY💋 - 18
(Chesapeake, hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
§*§ $weet W@rm & P@$$ionat£ £bony £xxotic Bomb$hell §*§ $$ Hh Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh/ Ft. Eustis)
💋💦SpLaSh SpLaSh tAsTe My🍭JuiCy cAnDy iNcAlL & oUtcAlL SpEciAlS💋💋💦😇 - 23
(Newport News, Downtown jeffereson , Hampton Roads)
◢◤◢◤◢ SEXiEST LADiES iN ToWN ◤◢◤◢◤◢ WeLL REViEWED ◤◢◤◢◤ PE®FeCT B0DIEs ◤◢◤◢◤ ◢ GO®GEOuS FaCES◢◤ ◢◤ - 21
(Newport News, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
I'M in Hampton off mercury 50$💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD。。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD 🌺uℓtiℳαtε BOOTY - 29
(I'm in Hampton mercury blvd, Newport News)
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy SISTERSSS ⇨ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/Oyster Point)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE ► ★►•••••►★ NOW•••••••• ► - 20
(Newport News, yorktown,williamsburg,hampton,norfolkETC)
^^^ *** ~~~ === @@@ +++ Very Busty Blonde Offering Pampering, Body Rubs, and Fun Beyond Belief! - 34
(Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk)
Mature Hungarian courtesan, available to provide you with an exhilarating experience. - 39
(Chesapeake, Chesapeake, will come to you, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Y💨uR ℳo§+ Affℴrdab╚e Dream Girl ✘ OU+C@LL ONLY! ✘ BLONDE BℴMBSHELL ✘ 🆕 💯 SPECIALS - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, 🚙 OUTCALL ONLY🚙)
💋☔️ 💧 💋 SWEET💋☔️ 💧 💦 🍉👅 TREAT 💨👉ALWAYS 💯 DRIPPING & WiLLiNG 💦💟 - 25 - 25
*~* S£xxi £bony P@ssionat£ Bomb$hell Tre@t.. R£@dy 4 U *~* $$ Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
==> (L 00 K __*BOOTY LOVERS) ...©*WARNING!©* (2PHaT FRoM DA BaCK)* - 99
»»*°*· BRAND NEW ·°· Black/White European MiX ·°· Big Booty ·*°*«« - 24
(Newport News, Newport news oyster point)
Careful What You Do, It May Fare Back To You!!! Lynn - 41
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Newport News, Richmond, Richmond, Independent Provider, Suffolk)
💋🎀🌟5 St🌟R €XPERiENCE 💯 Juic¥💦 b○○t¥ ●Sεχγ ● Purع F®rعAⓚ ♥ρυRε ρℓ℮δυRε♥ supعr T♚p Uρ αℓℓ ηιGΗτ♚ ☏ - - 24
(Newport News, CITY CENTER)
😻💦 AlL NeW 👑✨ sExY sNoW BuNnY 🐇💃🏻 ReAdy tO pLeAsE 💦👅 eNjOy tHe BeSt 😻💦💦 - 22
(Chesapeake, In/outcalls Va beach,Norfolk,Portsmouth, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth)
Frustrated? Muscle Tight? Let "DIAMOND" Handle that Daddy💯✔ SPECIALS ALWAYS AVAIL✔ 💋 - 24
Something New && Exciting :) (( Late night delivery )) - 25
(Newport News, Nn Hpt n around areas Outcall)