Mon 06 Jan
I'm only a phone call away baby. -Harmony 😘 - 21
(Incall is in hampton ( w. Mercury blvd), Newport News)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Newport News, Discrete incall location or will travel)
Sun 05 Jan
★★❀ █ ▓ ☰▓ ▒ *❤.•* T H E•▓ ▒ * ❤.•*P E R F E C T ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* C H O I C E * ❤.•*█ ▓ ☰▓ ▒ ❀★★ - 21
💋Gorgeous Bombshell with a perfect body🌻💋🌻💋 Specials💋💦 Real💋💦 Ready - 21
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, 💖Incall...and outcall)
"Bet you won't forget it or regret it". Call me specials available... - 25
(Newport News, Hampton INCALL Newport News)
@@ All Night Goodies @@ Attention 2 girls Avail Now @@ Late in specials - 20
(Newport News, Nn Incall late nite specialz)
I'm in Hampton☆✨SE✖Y ❥ThIcK JuIcY BoOtY ✔ReAdY ReaL PicS ❥ MUST SEE ❥ 40 SpeciALs AvaiLabLe ❥24/7 - 29
(Newport News, 🍭8594100448 👄incall Hampton🍭)
(((| SeXy |))) ~ (((| BloNdE |))) ~ (((| with |))) ~ (((| AmAzINg |))) ~ (((| SkiLLs |))) - 25
【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs 【 niCє 💋 bѺѺb's【 ErOtIc💋 sExY gIrL【JuiCy 💋 αSS 】I PLAY 4 $60$ - 23
(Newport News, Hampton incall)
***C@rAm3l SWEETHEART ready 2 S A T I S F Y your sweet tooth*** - 21
(Newport News, Hampton Incall/Outcall)
I'm ready for you Daddy $70 qv (IN/0UTCALLS) - 26
(Hampton/Newport News Norfolk Chesapeake, Newport News)
It's PEBBLES 😍 Naomi's Girl😘 Call Me Now 😎 Incall & Outcall 🚗 I'm Free All Weekend 🌹 Naomi's Girl ❤️ - 25
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Incall Chesapeake 👌🏽 Outcall Everywhere, Newport News, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Sat 04 Jan
SweeT LittLe PacKage___HoT SpeCials :}Call For DetailS!!! - 25
(Newport News, Hampton INCALL Newport News)
♥█▓██▓█ ALL DAY█▓██▓█ 💘 SATURDAY💘 █▓██▓█ SPECIALS█▓██▓█ ♥ - 21
(Newport News, Hampton, NN , Yorktown, Williams B)
♥█▓██▓█ GOOD █▓██▓█ 💘 MORNING💘 █▓██▓█ SPECIALS█▓██▓█ ♥ - 21
(Newport News, Hampton, NN , Yorktown, Williams B)
💦💦 BlOnDeS dOeS iT BeSt 😻 ReAdY tO pLaY 👑💋 100% REAL PICS & VIDEO 💯😻💦SeXii LeXii💦👅 ThRiStY ThUrSdAy👅 - 23
(Hampton, Incall/outs Hampton,Newport News, Newport News)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Danville, Discrete incall location or will travel)
Sexy and Playful🌷Charlie Rose 🌷 Incall Discreet Location💘 9176849160 - 25
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport News incall, Norfolk, Suffolk)
Fri 03 Jan
VerY Different __! Military FavorS & Special Late Night CreePs - 19
(Newport News, Nn My place Open All Night)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Lynchburg, Discrete incall location or will travel)
Thu 02 Jan
$UPER SEXXY •• ——— • $0UTH3RNB3LL • ——— •;• BLONDE; ••(¯`★´¯) • $pecial$ - 22
(Newport News, Mercury blvd.)