Wed 08 Jan
Frustrated? Muscle Tight? Let "DIAMOND" Handle that Daddy💯✔ SPECIALS ALWAYS AVAIL✔ 💋 - 24
°★° D¥NaM¡C DuO °★° →° AMBER & CHANEL °← •☆• Th€ Ult¡Mat€ £×P€R¡€Nc€ •☆• B|♡nd£ bunn¡£s !¡! - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/City Center)
Tue 07 Jan
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy SISTERSSS ⇨ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/Oyster Point)
»-♥-» ♥ Ho†† & $€xy †hE OnE & OnLy MoNiE 757's #1ChOiCe GaArAn†EE[) you WILL Be BACK«-♥-« - 26
(Newport News, jefferson)
!!*$*$*$ Forget the Rest...You've Found the Best !!*$*$*$ - 23 - 23
*** TATTOOED LUT *** WEEKEND SPECAILS *** Bikers to buisnessmen *** - 31
(Newport News, j clyde and jefferson ave.)
˙·٠•●❤❤❤ SuPeR SeXy ● BrUnEtTe BuNnY ❤❤❤●٠•· In/Outcalls - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/Oyster Point)
INCALLS Petite ManSLAYER💋💦👅80hhr Spcl 💄☔️Best Kept Secret🙊 - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/Hampton/Williamsburg)
*-:¦:-*B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦€BONY~*~ F@NTA§¥~*-:¦:-* - 22
((HoT & SeXy)) { CuRvY HiPs with ThiiCk ThIgHs *¥* MaGiC LiPs*¥* ({MoNiE} - 26
(Newport News, jefferson)
Mon 06 Jan
Put ME ���► ( (On)) �� * ( Your to do list) *** ���► 100% ME & U can 50$$$$... - 24
(Newport News, Hampton incall)
50 qv [αvαιℓabℓε ALL DAY& NiGHT]⌚🔋🔋【🆕 iท τσωท】👅👅1OO% Rεaℓ【 EX0TiC💦💦💦 BOMBshell🔥🔥💨 DeZaire - 19
(Newport News, Jefferson ave/Newport news ,va)
*♚* Sweet & Sexy *♚* Highly Skilled *♚* Blonde Bombshell* ♚***Chanel***♚ - 22
(Newport News, City Center/Jefferson Ave.)
*:*: :*: :*:*:G O O D ****. G I R L :*: &; G O N E &; *:**: B A D D *:*: - 23
(newport news jefferson ave)
Sun 05 Jan
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy SISTERSSS ⇨ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/Oyster Point)
💋👅 eXtRa JUiiCY 💦💦 UnFoRgOtTaBlE 😻🎉 NEW iCaNdY 🍬🍬 iNCALLs & OUTCALLS 💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in/outcalls Newport News, Newport News, Norfolk)
BeFoRe ~N~ AfTeR WoRk IN&OUT; SPecIALs ExOTiC KiNkY DoMiNiCaN Chyna Doll BaCk By PoPUlAr Demand - 23
(Newport News, Jefferson Ave (In&&Outcalls;))
Sexy ♥ EXPERIENCED * HOT* Ms.Love Come Play - 20
(Newport News, newport news/outcalls/incalls jefferson)
❥-▓SEXY LλTϊNλ 💋ℳiχχξD VϊχχξN▓--> ▓ ξχ➓Tϊ© Jξ₩ξLs▓ ❥-▓SξX¥ H⛄LϊDλ¥ ₱Lλ¥ℳλTξ ▓-->❇60S₱CL - - 25
(Newport News, Jefferson N Oyster Point)
Sat 04 Jan
✨SeXii SwEeT🍭🍯JuiiCy fUn💦👅SuNdAy iNcAlL SpEciAlS💋 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News , Jefferson incall)
ImA ReAl .D. pleaser• PeTiTe• upscale• ebony = NASTY & ClAsSy *visiting* - 20
(Newport News, Jefferson ave)
New pics New look!!Best of Both worlds !!!!!white gul wit lips Black gul wit hips , incall must try - 21
(Newport News, Jefferson and operations dr newport news)
Last night in town $50 incall short all night sexy Courtney - 21
(Newport News, Jefferson ave oyster point incall only)
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy SISTERSSS ⇨ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/Oyster Point)
»-♥-» ♥ Ho†† & $€xy †hE OnE & OnLy MoNiE 757's #1ChOiCe GaArAn†EE[) you WILL Be BACK«-♥-« - 26
(Newport News, jefferson)
°o°•★ B€ÅUTIFUL ★•°o°•★ P€TIT€ ★•°o°•★ STUNNING ★•°o°•★ BEST SERVICE - 23
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson)
Fri 03 Jan
**WOW** PeTiTe ~ ReDhE@D>> RoUnD BoOtY/KiLLeR MoUtH~ $80 $pEc!@L - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/Jefferson Ave.- PHM)
Awesome "Muscle~Relaxation" By that Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 SPECIALS AVAIL✔ - 24
ALLday ALLnight 24/7 Fulllll Body Treatment by Yours Truly♡ - 23
(Newport News, Jefferson ,Hampton Rd, Warwick)
***PeTiTe GoDdeSs, NuBiAn PlEaSurE*** - warwick and bland blvd- in/outcall - 27
(Newport News, uptown, warwick and bland)
✨I cAn MaKe iT RaiN💦💦 & iAm nOt tAlKiNg aBoUt tHe wEathEr☔️👅💦 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News , Jefferson incall)
*~*CoMe Put iT AnYWhERE YoU'll LiKE.. THeREs NoTHiNG I CaNT HanDLE {1000% ReAL AzZ} $70HH SPeciAL*~* - 22
THiCk & SeXy ViXXeN★MILIANI CORTEZ★ LAsT DAY iN ToWN! $$55 ★ 1000% ReaL PiCs! Big BOOtY WiDe OpEn!! - 22
(Newport News, INCALL... 6mins from ft eustis / OUTCALL)
Only here for a couple hours the sexy sasha &60 short - 20
(Newport News, jefferson ave oysterpoint)
Thu 02 Jan
New pics New look!!Best of Both worlds !!!!!white gul wit lips Black gul wit hips , incall must try - 21
(Newport News, Jefferson and operations dr newport news)