Sat 04 Jan
BBW' s 🔙🔛🔝 Puerto Rican 👸 Tight -n- 🌊 + Asia the Lip 💋 service master. - 28
(Newport News, oyster point / Inn&outcalls;)
VIDEO!♥BiG BoOoTy CeRtiFieD FReaK! CuRvY ThiCkNeSS♥ PrO SeRviCeZ ♥Put iT Where U LiKe� OuTcaLL Only� - 22
(Newport News, OUTCALLS ONLY😍... Ft eustis..nn..Yorktow)
Sugar , looking for beneficial romantic arrangements - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, Richmond Hampton roads Williamsburg, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
🌴🌞YOUR P€RFECT passionate CHOIC€《 older w/ more experienced 》W€LCOM€ 2 €R0T!C PARADI§€! 🌴🌞 - 37
(Virginia Beach)
☆♡ALaBaMa GirL☆♡ I am so Bored & Lonely🍒 I need some company🌈 call ☎or text📲 NOW 205-686-3691 - 25
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport news, Hampton- in&Out; calls, Norfolk, Suffolk)
BBW' s Puerto Rican 👸 Tight -n- 🌊 + Asia the Lip 💋 service master. - 28
(Newport News, oyster point / Inn&outcalls;)
$Are you ready to take a walk down memorie lane...Outcalls Only 100 hhr 160hr. $pecials!!! - 25
(Newport News, In/out)
💋★• • ★☆—. : (P_r_e_t_t_y ) °°•★•°° (S_W_E_E_T) °°•★•°° (L_i_t_t_l_e_) °°•★•°° (P_l_A_y_M_a_T_e_S) - 22
(Chesapeake, Entire Hampton Roads Area, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
💋Mixed Beauty❗❕💋💵100/150/200🌹 💲pecial💲💵 FREE dance w/ Call! 🏩Incalls/Outcalls🚗 - 21
(Newport News, NpN hampton Chesapeake ect...)
new pics...white female thats fun loving and 100% independent! - 35
(hampton roads and williamsburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
~~jEANNIE IN A bOTTle$$$$ UP LATE 24/7 Great Rates$$$$ - 30
(Hampton, Hampton and All Surrounding areas)
new pics....Is the pics or don't pay! beautiful busty brunette! 100% the pictures! - 35
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Suffolk, tidewater to williamsburg)
💕✨ALABAMA GIRL✨💕R Yu ReAdY 2 LaY back, ReLaX & relieve some stress?CALL ME 💦👅💦 ☎205-393-8652 - 25
(J clyde, Newport News)
Sarah has Low(8592020170) Specials Big Booty👅 🍑 Big Boobies🍒(.) (.)👅 - 29
(Newport News, NN In call)
💕🌌💄👑💎Simply Amazing💕🌌👑💎Curvy Beauty🌌💕👑 - 25
(Chesapeake, in call and out call, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
Relax & Ease Your Mind W/Dread~Head "DIAMOND"💯 Specials Avail✔ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News Area💯✔)
Fri 03 Jan
Awesome "Muscle~Relaxation" By that Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 SPECIALS AVAIL✔ - 24
AMAzIN body CALL I visiT U/ ViSIT ME!!👌😍👀7532962 - 26
(Newport News, Newport news ur place or mine boo)
Make $2,500 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertainment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia B)
Love, Lynn - 41
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Newport News, Richmond, Richmond, Independent Provider)
Hot Busty unforgettable blonde....Angel is only specials....$$40 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News ins and outs)
°☆★ L£mm£ M@ke @ll Dr£@ms & F@nta$ies C0m£ Tru£ ★☆° $$ Specials $$ - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/ Hampton)
🏈🏀🏇 SCORE while YOU keep SCORE✨ Top Quality💎🌟 📞7575725884 📞 PlayMates🌹🌹High-Class Gentlemen 1⃣ Choice - 18
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
white female thats fun loving and 100% independent! - 34
(Newport News, hampton roads and williamsburg)
Thu 02 Jan