Wed 08 Jan
✨I cAn MaKe iT RaiN💦💦 & iAm nOt tAlKiNg aBoUt tHe wEathEr☔️👅💦 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News , Jefferson incall)
SeXY :*¨¨*: SwEEt :*¨¨*: BIG _ BooTY :*¨¨*:BbW iRiSH RiCAN CUTiE :*¨¨*: 80 Specials!! - 21
(Newport News, williamsburg newport news ins/outs)
(incalls OV, outcalls all over)
¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯massage! BigBooty 5*StaR Erotic BubbleButt Erotic Rican Mix ★ - 22
(Newport News, newport newS OUTCALLS)
*VISITING* ♥Sexy PETITE Exotic Ebony FREAK♥ GENTLEMEN's approved! ♥ TOP of the LINE..... - 20
(Norfolk, Call for location♥VISITING♥)
• _____ * * * Sexy Sweet Blonde* * * _____ • - 29
(Newport News, Hampton'Williamsburg'Yorktown___In-Out)
◢◤◢◤◢ SEXiEST LADiES iN ToWN ◤◢◤◢◤◢ WeLL REViEWED ◤◢◤◢◤ PE®FeCT B0DIEs ◤◢◤◢◤ ◢ GO®GEOuS FaCES◢◤ ◢◤ - 21
(Newport News, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
* HIGHLY ADDICTIVE * Gorgeous Green eyed Beauty!!! *Look NO Further!!!* - 25
(Newport News, Hampton/Williamsburg/NN)
☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎ BEST SERIVES ☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎ NEW YOUNG ASIAN Girls❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎FIRST DAY ☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎☎❎ - 21
(Newport News, NEWPORTNEWS)
#1 CitieS picK ---%---@ 1/0 o "driZzle" special ---%---@ Call Now !!! 7 *5 7 *6 3 4* 15* 6 8 - 21
(Newport News, Nn area incalls / or ur spot babe)
Come and experience ULTimAtE TrEaTmEnT - 24
(Newport News, Newport news in everywhere out, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
E--O--X--T--I-- C_E--R--O--T-- I--C_M--A---S--S --A--G--E!!! REA DY TO HELP YOU RE LEASE - 23
🔳 🔲 🔳 CoLLeGe GiRlS Do It BeTTeR 🔳 🔲 🔳 💕💕💕 🌺Blonde Bombshell🌺💕💕💕 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Hampton)
Tue 07 Jan
*❤* ► Lets ★ P LAY #1 ★ CHOICE ◄ *❤* - 20
(Newport News, newport news my place)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Hampton, Discrete incall location or will travel)
Hot Like Fire Sweet Like Candy Always Friendly 100% INDEPENDENT - - 25
(Newport News, newport news Outcalls/in)
💯💎💄🍒SeXY BRee🍒🌹40qv💋100% ReaL🌴eXoTiC🌴🍍HaWaiiaN🍓 and 🍒 Italian🍍 MiX💞 💎💯- 24 - 23
(Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Warwick blvd bland)
💋So Hot & TIGHT You Wont Want To Leave💜💙💜 💯🆕SPECIALS Tonight ONLY! ♋Dont Miss Out On The BEST - 22
(Hampton, Hampton: Incalls)
⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ F®e@K¥ ⇨ √ Super SeXy SISTERSSS ⇨ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs - 22
(Newport News, Uptown Jefferson Ave/Oyster Point)
^~•♥•~^ Full-Fill your every Fantasy Hot Sexy 2 Girl Body Rub ^~•♥•~^ - - 22 - 22
(Newport News, newport newS OUTCALLS INCALLS)
🍬🎭 THE▐ ▐ 🎭🍭 CANDY▐ 🍬▐ SH0PPE▐ 🏰 IS 🍑▐ N0W 📆 🍒▐🎢 0PEN▐🌹 🎠🍓🍭🍬 📲☎📨🎊🎏🎉🎂NEW PHOTOS - 37
(Chesapeake, GREENBRIER MALL AREA, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
*-:¦:-*B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦€BONY~*~ F@NTA§¥~*-:¦:-* - 22
°·§ Ultim@t£ £xxotic T@$ty C@ram£l D£lici0us Pl@ym@t£ §·° $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Ft. Eustis Area)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, In town, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, V)
^~ Sweetest Lips~ and~ Hips in Town ^~ 50 special - 24
(Newport News, Newport news/ Hampton /Williamsburge)
Mon 06 Jan
Ull feel like u been at the bar too long wen Im done wit u :) - 22
(Newport News, My place Nn or urs)
(💲50💲PL)💋💄 CHocOLaTe BuBbLe BooTy SuPerFreAk 💄💋 50$ Specialssss!! - 21
(Newport News, newport news and hampton)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Hampton, Discrete incall location or will travel)
Hot Like Fire Sweet Like Candy Always Friendly 100% INDEPENDENT - - 25
(Newport News, newport news Outcalls/in)
sexy an discrete !! nuro body slides an more!! - 25
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia beach)
The 🍓Ultimate Intimate 🍓Loving your Body Edition🍓$200 60 min 🍓located in clinton md 20735 - 28
(Book in advance please, Chesapeake, Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
🍬🎭 THE▐ ▐ 🎭🍭 CANDY▐ 🍬▐ SH0PPE▐ 🏰 IS 🍑▐ N0W 📆 🍒▐🎢 0PEN▐🌹 🎠🍓🍭🍬 📲☎📨🎊🎏🎉🎂NEW PHOTOS - 37
(Chesapeake, GREENBRIER MALL AREA, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Sun 05 Jan
#1 CitieS picK ---%---@ 1/0 o "driZzle" special ---%---@ Call Now !!! 7 *5 7 *6 3 4* 15* 6 8 - 21
(Newport News, Nn area incalls / or ur spot babe)
804 RVA💥💥Storm🌪 💦💦 OutCALL ONLY 💋💋be spoiled - 20
(Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Richmond Hampton Roads Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
beautiful day what better way to spend it then with the fun freaky model looking Gia 60 in spc - 21
(Newport News, Newport news jclyde Morris INCALLS ONLY)
* HIGHLY ADDICTIVE * Georgeous Green eyes- Blonde Beauty!!! *Look NO Further!!!* - 25
(Newport News, NN/ hampton/williamsburg)
Need some sweet 🍒Pie ???? Want Discrete 🍒Pie???? - 19
(Harrisonburg, Discrete incall location or will travel)
^~•♥•~^ Full-Fill your every Fantasy Hot Sexy 2 Girl Body Rub ^~•♥•~^ - - 22 - 22
(Newport News, newport newS OUTCALLS INCALLS)
★ 【KiLLєR CuRvEs】 ★ 【Freaky Brunette】 ★ 【SupeR SpeciaLs】★ - 24
(Newport News, hampton,newport news,williamsburg)
Sat 04 Jan
Im a vv.e..t_t Dream come true! Total package __ Super seductive Caramel freeak - 19
(Newport News, Nn Incall)
T(w)o VerY F(r)eaky "&" ClaSsy DivaS --- Dont Bother with ImitaTorS - 20
(Newport News, Our spot Nn)