Mon 27 Jan
👑————————— 【TANTRIC 👋👋👋 ANGIE】 ——————————👑 (Read Clearly Then Dial Me) - 25
(Colonial Williamsburg Virginia (Angie, Newport News)
$$$$ Sexy priceless blonde $$$$$ EARLY BIRD SPECIALS - 27
(Newport News, newport news/ oyster point rd Out Call)
$$50.00 Special NOW!!!Ass Phat Like 2 Basketballs!!! Experience The Best Now - 25
(Newport News, Jefferson Near J. Clyde Intersection)
Sun 12 Jan
Available NOW ===>>> SeXXy HoTT Blonde ===>> Specials Now - 25
(Newport News, newport news in call and out call)
S T O P ¡! !¡ H E R E ¡! ♥♥BaAuTiFUL ♥EXoTiC =♥ViXeNS ♥♥ 2girl/$150 specials - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/J Clyde Morris Blvd)
cute & petite! freaky & discrete! $60qv wild Irish playmate ready to play!! - 27
(Hampton, Newport News)
anyway u like it... non rush... slippery fun... - 25
(Atlantic Avenue, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
👑————————— 【ORGANIC 👋👋👋 VIBE】 ——————————👑 (Read Clearly Then Dial Me) - 29
(Near Williamsburg Virginia (Sofia, Newport News)
Sarah is in Denbigh 60😜super thick👀Look 💯Big WHITE BOOTY 💯REAL 100%👧 READY NOW MILITARY special - 29
(Denbigh in call 8592020170, Newport News)
°° $mooth $oft & $ensual £xxotic C@ram£l Bomb$hell °° $$ Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
•*•*•*•*•NeeW in Town•*•*•*• ThiiiCK and Luscious•*•*•*•* in/out calls - - 21
(Newport News, newportnews)
ALLday ALLnight 24/7 Fulllll Body Treatment by Yours Truly♡ - 23
(Newport News, Jefferson ,Hampton Rd, Warwick)
Thu 09 Jan
***Sweet, Seductive, CHLOE. One StOp ShOp will fulfill all your needs and wants*** - 34
(Newport News)
sexxy red is back..Seductive In/outcall Specials%%♥♡(4)♡(0)♥♡ - 24
(Newport News, newport news j clyde morris blvd)
Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? - 25
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Richmond & surrounding areas, Roanoke, Southwest)
Wed 08 Jan
NeWN@UGHT EBONY Beauty •✿• ☞The PERFECT choice To satisfy ANY CRAVING☜ •✿• - 24
(Newport News, airport newport news) & oOo sOo sexii mixed chick!! LooK at me NoW!! % Specials % - 20
(Newport News, Hpt & Nn areas .COM)
Tue 07 Jan
I ♥ my regulars. Just ask about your specials.... Shhhh, I'm back in Newport News...... - 29
(incall close to the shipyard, Newport News)
Plz read me bfore call💎W@N+ GF 3XCIT3M3NT💎+HAT I$ IN+0XIC@+ING & L3@V3$ U BR3@+HL3$$💎 C@LL N0W???!!! - 37
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, URS/DAM NECK AREA, Virginia Beach)
💋New 🎓College Freak👅...Come💋 Teach Me A💝 Lesson!!! - 19
(Hampton, Hampton, Newport News, Newport News)
sexxy red is back..Seductive In/outcall Specials%%♥♡(4)♡(0)♥♡ - 24
(Newport News, newport news j clyde morris blvd)
Mon 06 Jan
☆☆U£T!M@ŤĘ F@NT@$ Ý ●● I C@N $HO₩ ¥OU BETTER TH@N I C@N T€LL ¥0U! ●● $PËÇÏ@Ł§ ☆☆- - - 23
(Newport News, In/Out)
*Freaky nasty TREAT ** SWEET SEXY hazel** IT gets NO BETTER than THIS FR3AK - 22
(Newport News, newportnews)
Sun 05 Jan
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* & SEXY!! - 28
(Newport News, newportnews/williamsburg/hampton)
Sat 04 Jan
T(w)o VerY F(r)eaky "&" ClaSsy DivaS --- Dont Bother with ImitaTorS - 20
(Newport News, Our spot Nn)
Fri 03 Jan
ALLday ALLnight 24/7 Fulllll Body Treatment by Yours Truly♡ - 23
(Newport News, Jefferson ,Hampton Rd, Warwick)
S T O P ¡! !¡ H E R E ¡! ♥♥BaAuTiFUL ♥EXoTiC =♥ViXeNS ♥♥ 2girl/$150 specials - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/J Clyde Morris Blvd)
Thu 02 Jan