Mon 27 Jan
😍Yes It's Real 💯% Actually! 24/7 incalls🙋🙌🙋 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton Mercury, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
👑🌌💨💫 Treat Me 🍬 Like an Angel 👼 N I'll show You 💨What 💨Heaven's 💨Like 💫🌠🌊💋 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News {In & Out Calls})
Relax & Ease your mind with DIAMOND 💯✔ Satisfaction Guaranteed 😛 👉 Specials Avail - 24
Stop By My Place & Play W/Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 Specials ALWAYS Avail✔ - 25
SPECIALS _____ CHOCOLATE : : ______ : : SEDUCTIVE : : _____ SPECIALS - 20
(newport news oyster point)
$$$ Sexy Thick Redbone New Pics Check Me Out$$$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/between denbigh n midtown)
Stop By "Frustrated" 😏 Leave with a "Smile" 😀 By that Dread~Head "DIAMOND" Specials Avail💯✔ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News Area💯✔)
Puuurrring Satisfaction W/Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 On FLEEK W/Specials 💯 - 24
S_M_O_K_I_N _ !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( OnE __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! THE SEXiEST ALiVE - 24
(newport new/in/out)
New 💎Girl 💋💄In 💙Town 💎!!!!!$pecials!!!💕slim 👠soft booty..last night in town - 21
(Newport News, Williamsburg,hampton)
NaUGhTy QuEeN LET's PLAY!!ߑMouth GaMe ViCiOus!ߑget a tAsTe!!ߍ60 ߒsPeCiAlS!!!ߌ - 29
(Newport News, 🍭8592020170 👄 NN🍭)
°° $mooth $oft & $ensual £xxotic C@ram£l Bomb$hell °° $$ Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
Is the pics or don't pay! beautiful busty brunette! 100% independent, 100% the pictures! - 35
(Newport News, tidewater to williamsburg)
☆★M@gic@lly D£liciou$ C@ram£l Brown $ugg@ Tre@t ★☆ $$ Specials $$ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Hampton)
【MILITARY SPECIAL 】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯【COME】 ✿★✿ ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯【# G❤F❤EXPERT】✿★✿【 BEAUTIFUL GIRL 】 ╰ღ╮❤╭ღ - - - 24
(be back monday😘, Newport News)
Kim ~~~ Available NOW!!! * - * - * 100% REAL!! - 18
(Newport News, Newport News Incall, Outcall All Over)
°° I'm Ur Ultimat£ F@nta$y & Im Re@dy 2 Fulfill ¥0ur$ °° $$ Specials $$ - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh)
$$$$ Sexy priceless blonde $$$$$ EARLY BIRD SPECIALS - 27
(Newport News, newport news/ oyster point rd Out Call)
👀 Prize WINNER for Dinner Anyone ???? [[ OUTCALLZ ]] and inz slim Freaki TATTED UP Bunny - 22
(Hampton Roads, Newport News)
╠╣@NDS Down T╠╣e BEST •• / NO RUS╠╣• RounD BooTY, PerKY T!Ts, PeTiTe WA!ST, PrEtTy FaCE - - 24
(Newport News, Newport News/ Ft. Eustis)
IM A CUTIE NICE AZZ &HUGE; TITS Specials all day757 753 2962 working man&woman; - 24
(Newport News, Newport news ur place or mine boo)
** {IM} :* ☆ ¨*: {THE HOT BLONDE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT}** - 22
(Newport News, Ft. Eustis/Denbigh)
All the "Satisfaction" you need💯✔ W/Dread~Head DIAMOND😛 Specials Always - 24
$$50.00 Special NOW!!!Ass Phat Like 2 Basketballs!!! Experience The Best Now - 25
(Newport News, Jefferson Near J. Clyde Intersection)
🎄$60⛄🎅D3ar Santa please visit m3 t0night and fill up my💦💦 st0cking🎅🎄$60⛄ - 24
Sun 12 Jan
Not Just A Service Its A Experience! Dollfaced American bUSTY bLONDE - 1oo Specials
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, OUTCALL ONLY - Affordable Rates)
Gloucester County *Sweet* Seductive* Sexy *12/21/12* - 33
(Newport News, Gloucester,, York town, Williamsburg,)
3 of the baddest 2 4 100 new to area only passing thru in-calls only - 19
(Newport News, Oyster point)
I Do Things Your Wife Won't - How You Want It! - Amazing Specials! 1o0 Specials
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, OUTCALL ONLY)
()() Limited Time ()() Dr. FeelGooD ---- skullYgam3 crazy ++Outcall only++ - 23
(Newport News, ur place only Outcall only)
THE #1 Pick!!!! Yep That's Me!!! I'm The Best!!! Just Wait & See! - 23
(Newport News, hampton/newport news my place)
Available NOW ===>>> SeXXy HoTT Blonde ===>> Specials Now - 25
(Newport News, newport news in call and out call)
💖♡E X P L O S I V E ♡💖【• MOUTH • WATERING • 】Available 24/7!!【spaNKaBℓε αSS 💖 KiLLєR Curves - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/ Denbigh/ Ft. Eustis)
💋💞💕$40 Dinner and Dessert special 💋💞💕 LAST DAY! 💋💕💞 sexy and ready 💋💞💕 miss vixen - 22
(Newport News, oyster point incall 💋)
3 of the baddest 2 4 100 new to area only passing thru in-calls only - 19
(Newport News, Oyster point)
💋💗💓💕❤ 60 INCALL SPECIALS With A Sexy Ebony Beauty❤ 💕💓💗💋(HAMPTON INCALLS) - 25
(Hampton in/out, Newport News)
❤B€ST ON BACKPAG€ (*(KANDY DASH)*) PH@TT€ST & B@DD€ST R€DB0N€ $$50 •CLiCK HERE• $$50 ❤ - 22
(Newport News, OUTCALL ONLY)
From Mild To Wild This Busty Plus Sized Beauty Can Do It ALL! ONLY OUTCALLS!!SpeCiaLs! - 25
(Newport News, OUTS to hpt, norf, glou, york, wburg)
👉Gentleman's Choice 💖150$ Special 💎 📞7575725884 💖 BUY 1 HOUR& GET 2nd HOUR 1/2 Price 💖 All CC TAKEN - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
♥█▓██▓█ GOOD █▓██▓█ 💘 MORNING💘 █▓██▓█ SPECIALS█▓██▓█ ♥ - 21
(Newport News, Hampton, NN , Yorktown, Williams B)
☆♡ALaBaMa GirL☆♡ I am so Bored & Lonely🍒 I need some company🌈 call ☎or text📲 NOW 205-686-3691 - 25
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport news, Hampton- in&Out; calls, Norfolk, Suffolk)
★B¡G B○○Ty S○uthern Gal.Th@ L¡kes 2 Ride.Then Y○ur Search Ends Here!★ - 21
(Newport News, Hampton/Newport news/ In Calls)
___ [[×X×]] ___ HoTt *A-S-I-A-N *jUjU* giRL nExT dOoR * ___ [[×X×]] ___** back for MORE **
(va beach/norfolk airport)